About Us

Hello and welcome!
My name is Jagan Lodha and I'm the founder of Ayurveda 2050. It is my sincere wish to educate and to help improve the quality of your health. When I began sharing my knowledge of Ayurvedic Medicine with my new friends in Texas, I realized there was very little credible information available about the ingredients I have depended on my whole life. I'm 84 years old and I feel great!
My close relationship with the founder of Herbal Daily led me to the conclusion that I need to distribute the products I trust most to, not only my friends, but anyone who wishes to improve their health. A coronary bi-pass operation can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and is terribly painful. I spend $1 per day on tonics that I'm sure have saved me from this fate.
I offer here for sale only products I know, use and trust.
Thank you for stopping by. Be well my friends.